Who am I? An Artist I am.
Hello! Welcome to my new website. Hopefully, it’s a little better organised than my last one, but if you haven’t been here before, hello, I hope that you return.
First things first though, I better introduce myself, I’m Grace Owen, an artist living in Lancaster but born in Wigan. I’m a northern artist and proud of it - we’re a bit overlooked in the art world, but we could say that about any artist outside of London! Anyway, who needs the old stuffy art world when you have the whole world at the touch of your fingertips? So thank you for discovering my artwork in the wild, wild interweb - I hope that you enjoy it.
‘Discovering Dhoon’ Ink, 2024
Drawing is my medium of choice. Ink is my weapon of choice. Drawing is immediate, I use it as a tool of exploration, dreaming and imagination. It’s what I turn to in times of trouble and times of joy. In my current project; ‘The Lines of my Earth’, (you’ll hear a lot about this, sorry, it’s interesting I swear.) I use ink to explore the natural world around me and just lose myself in the act of drawing.
I also use drawing to create stories, explore my subconscious and delve into my dreams with another part the series. It’s such a varied medium. Most of my landscapes are created monochrome to represent memories, whereas my subconscious work features colour and a figurative element.
‘Midnight Rush Hour’ Ink, 2023
In this blog, I’ll provide you with insightful ramblings about projects. I don’t take myself too seriously, so expect sarcasm, sentences where I try to be funny. Sometimes, I’ll be intelligent and sometimes I’ll even write poetry. Hopefully you’ll come back! Until I write another blog do check out the gallery!
See you soon!